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Center for Enlightened Leadership

Don’t Fight—Be

  Robert W. Cole

Robert W. Cole
Managing Editor
and Senior Associate

Consider what I write here as an unconventional take on the theme of this issue. Don’t fight for what’s right. Be what’s right. As Gandhi said, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” Be love. Now. And now. And now…

Now, imagine that…

…you—yes, you—are here at the moment that Being, after countless eons of formless musing, reaches an unfathomable fullness that we would call decision and creates Itself anew. Now. A new Universe, Omniverse, blossoms outward from the pinpoint of Beginning. In a microsecond, the All that was is subsumed in What Is. Now.

Crackffwwooosshhh. The New is now. That’s the way it happens.

Naturally, time and space having certain rules, the new What Is takes time to explode outward, just as we still see the effects of the last Big Bang hurtling outward and ever outward. You, from your vantage point on a tiny planet circling an infinitesimal star on the outer reaches of the Was, you can see the New reaching out toward you.

It’s natural to wonder why. The entirely selfish would say, “Why me?” But even the most selfless might sigh, “Why?”

There is no Why we could comprehend. If Being had voice or thought, the answer might be, “Still trying to get It right. Again.”

Footnote: Scientists who have studied the Universe aver that 90% of its mass is invisible to us. Dark matter, they call it, but they don’t understand it.

I do. My theory: Dark matter is the detritus of earlier Universes, subsumed by the New. Vast experiments ended. On a cosmic scale, dust on the lab floor, galactic dirt under the Rug.

Okay, so what? (Since, looking about, you see no evidence of the conflagration of the New sweeping toward you.) Not even a gaunt, bearded prophet in rags toting a sign proclaiming “The End Is Near.” So what?

You are the so what. You are all the power of the Universe, all the power of Being. You are Being. Within you lies the reason for All. You have created, with Being, the What Is. You create the Now. And, in doing so, your Creation blossoms outward, affecting lives untold, in ways you can never know. It’s not a fight, not a struggle. It is you being You, in every part of your life.

So…don’t fight for what is right. Be what is right. Be You. Be love. Now. And now. Always and forever now…

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