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Letters to the Editor
From Our Readers

Dear Steve,

What a beautiful collection of essays. I have been reading my 5-year-old “Value Tales” – these sweet books I had as a little girl which tell the stories of famous people by focusing on a value they personify. So Eleanor Roosevelt is the value of caring, Nellie Bly is fairness, Lincoln is respect. As I read to my son, I realized that I *think* of myself as principled, but I wondered if I truly was walking my talk? So I did an experiment, and every week would focus on a new value. It was *fascinating*, and I learned a ton about where I was steadfast, and where I needed to focus more. Very enlightening.

I LOVE Maybeth’s idea for the virtuometer, and wish that there were such a thing! I guess with my experiment, I was trying to watch myself from the outside, and acting as my own virtuometer.

Thank you again for all the thought-provoking material, so wonderful to read!

- Erin O'Kelley Muck, Ashland, OR

Dear Steve:

I just find the quality of articles in the LENS so superb and beneficial that I have a hard time not commenting on each one! So here goes!

Steven Sokolow: I’ve already mentioned to you how I liked the way you described a useful process for how to face a negative possibility - in your story about the red spot.

Paul Houston reminds us that we know a lot more about how others should walk their talk – but working on ourselves is another matter! Having a father like Paul’s to emulate would be a great gift!

Peter & Anne Selby: I loved the paragraph that begins with: “To avoid being a menu item at the astral snack bar…”- and totally agree with the importance of owning and healing our shadows.

Adam Sokolow: I always learn so much from you! He has an unusual and amazing ability to see the forests as well as identify each tree in it - to recognize overriding themes and then distill how they impact us. A splendid article!

Maybeth Conway: What a creative way to approach this theme – every leader should have a Virtuometer!

Tom Vona: We all need to pay tribute to the mentors in our lives. I hope you sent this article to these two people who led by their example – beautifully acknowledged! I asked myself if there were some to whom I needed to send a note thanking them for their positive impact on my life and career.

Claire Sheff Kohn: When we face our own mortality or that of a dear friend, there is no hiding from what’s important and wants to be honored in the way we live – as Claire has so poignantly described.

Kathleen Alfiero: Hats off to you – to find focus and meaning for writing about this theme while attending a ballgame!

- Dr. Christa Metzger, Arapahoe, North Carolina

Dear Steve,

Great Issue! Love the positive tone and action orientation.

- Philo Elmer, Princeton, New Jersey

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