Letters to the Editor
From Our Readers
About The Lens - Issue 26: The Principle of Expectations
Adam: Thank you very much for your priceless message, I truly enjoyed your insights.
- Alfredo Gamez, Tolleson, Arizona
Christa’s article was a very interesting piece and provided much food for thought.
In my own life, I think expectations-of any kind, have been the source of so much of the pain and disappointment I've experienced over the years. Releasing expectations can be a hard lesson, yet, to do otherwise can be deadly.
Thank you for writing this piece and to Cille for inspiring it.
- Mary Fuller, New Bern, NC
The following letter was written to Dr. Charles Mitchell, an Associate of The Center for Empowered Leadership, a contributing writer to The Lens, Associate Professor, Executive Director, Academy for Urban School Transformation & The Institute for International Schools, Seton Hall University.
Good evening, Dr. Mitchel.
I am sending this email along to let you know how much I enjoyed our Leadership Class ELMP 8984 this past weekend. I was especially struck by the text, The Spiritual Dimension of Leadership. We all work hard each day to ensure we are fulfilling the mission and purpose of our work, and sometimes that can get clouded in the details of the daily events we experience.
However, the text for me, was a keen reminder of, and an opportunity to reconnect with the reasoning and forces behind what we do often without even thinking about the intentions as we try to move our organizations forward and impact and encourage others to identify and use their gifts, when they sometimes do not even see them clearly.
I felt the text put words to all of my thoughts and beliefs about leadership, and interestingly, I had not seen it described before as "spiritual" leadership, but upon reflection, that is exactly what it is, and it allowed me the chance to not only identify it, but define how I want to more deeply practice the action steps/suggestions that were detailed in the book. Rather than looking at leadership and spirituality as separate areas of my life, upon reflection, I see how deeply intertwined they are in all my actions and it almost feels silly to have not distinctly and consciously connected both areas before.
Honestly, it is the only leadership text I have read that so clearly details leadership practices with the spiritual connections/perspectives/practices that I believe in. I am grateful to have the opportunity to have taken the class, read this text and really examine the leadership principles to match them to my areas of strength and weakness and address each in my daily work through the class discussions and the assignments we will be working on. I could not wait to return to work on Monday to share the information with some of my team members. It was a really valuable weekend for me to examine and reflect on my purpose, practice and the impact I want to have on others. It was really clear that this is a topic you enjoy teaching, and that enthusiasm is infectious. Thank you for a wonderful class that will have a huge impact on the examination of our leadership practices and connections we are making with our beliefs, actions and impact upon others.
- Victoria Velazquez, Bensalem, PA
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